Class RI::ModuleDescription
In: ri/ri_descriptions.rb
Parent: Description



attributes  [RW] 
class_methods  [RW] 
constants  [RW] 
includes  [RW] 
instance_methods  [RW] 

Public Instance methods


     # File ri/ri_descriptions.rb, line 103
103:     def display_name
104:       "Module"
105:     end

merge in another class desscription into this one


     # File ri/ri_descriptions.rb, line 89
 89:     def merge_in(old)
 90:       merge(@class_methods, old.class_methods)
 91:       merge(@instance_methods, old.instance_methods)
 92:       merge(@attributes, old.attributes)
 93:       merge(@constants, old.constants)
 94:       merge(@includes, old.includes)
 95:       if @comment.nil? || @comment.empty?
 96:         @comment = old.comment
 97:       else
 98:         @comment <<
 99:         @comment.concat old.comment
100:       end
101:     end

the ‘ClassDescription’ subclass overrides this to format up the name of a parent


     # File ri/ri_descriptions.rb, line 109
109:     def superclass_string
110:       nil
111:     end
