- Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts for the special issue should be
sent in electric form (in PDF format) to:
The date of receipt is the day the editor receives the manuscript.
Authors can suggest a list of five potential reviewers with their e-mail addresses.
In case the PDF file is extremely large,
please notify the chief editor in advance
by sending an e-mail to the above address.
Alternative method may be arranged.
- Limitation of pages and page charges
- The manuscript including figures and tables should not exceed 30 printed pages.
- The authors' institution is requested to pay the publication charge.
The amount of the publication charge is as follows.
- The basic charge is 10,000 yen per contribution.
- For articles up to 12 printed pages,
6,500 yen per printed page will be added.
- For articles exceeding 12 printed pages,
12,500 yen per page will be charged for each additional page.
- Actual cost of printing (about 60,000 yen per page)
will be imposed for color photos and figures.
- Reprints
- A print of the special issue shall be sent to the corresponding author
of each contribution.
For extra prints, authors will be charged for the additional cost.
- Authors shall receive an electronic reprint in PDF format.
Color figures can be included in the electronic reprint free of extra charge
even when the figures are "black and white" in printed journal pages.
In that case, the author should prepare both color and "black and white"
versions for each figure.
- Copyright
The copyright of papers published in the special issue belongs
to the Meteorological Society of Japan (MSJ).
Authors are requested to submit the
Copyright Agreement Form
signed by all authors.
Detailed instructions will be sent to the corresponding author
at the time of publication.
- Style of manuscripts
The manuscript must be double spaced on one side only.
The style of each manuscript should be as follows:
- Title, author's name and affiliation:
These items should be written on the title page.
- Abstract:
An abstract is required at the beginning of each manuscript.
- Text:
The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading
and numbered consecutively.
The section heading should be written on a separate line,
e.g., 1. Section; 1.1 Subsection; a. Item; (1)...; (i)...b.
Mathematical formulas and equations should be written clearly in the text
with ample space above and below.
- Acknowledgements
- Appendix:
Lengthy mathematical analysis or data tabulation should
normally be put into an appendix.
- References:
References should be arranged alphabetically by authors' names, without numbering.
The citation of references should be as "according to Okada (1921)"
or "as shown by earlier studies (Fujiwara 1923; Horiguchi 1928)."
In the list of references, each reference must be complete in the following form.
For an article: author(s), year: title of article, title of journal (abbreviated),
volume number, pages.
For a book: author(s), year, title of book, publisher, page.
Abbreviations for journal titles may be obtained by recent issues of the Journal.
- Figure legends:
Each figure must be provided with an adequate, numbered legend,
and all legends should be written together on one or more sheets of paper.
- Illustrations:
Each figure should be mentioned specifically in the text.
- Revision of manuscripts
After judging referees' comments, the Editorial Board
may advise authors to revise their manuscripts.
- Japanese abstract
The Japanese abstract will be printed separately in Tenki,
the monthly bulletin journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan.
Japanese contributors will be asked to prepare Japanese abstract
when the paper is accepted.
Japaese abstract should contain Japanese title, author's name,
and affiliation.
The abstract must be easy to understand for readers of Tenki.
Therefore, the content of the Japanese abstract is not necessarily
the direct translation of the English abstract.
- Galley proof
Authors will receive a galley proof of the manuscript but not a page proof.