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First step analysis and visualization

  1. Preparation of analysis and visualization tools
  2. Analysis and visualization with GPhys/GGraph
  3. Visualization with GPhys/gpcommands

Preparation of analysis and visualization tools

"dcpam5" input/output NetCDF data based on Gtool4 NetCDF Conventions

Analysis and visualization tools for NetCDF data are need in order to analyze and visualize results of numerical experiments. Here, Gphys provided from Dennou Ruby Project is used via irb. Details of usage can be found here.

Installation of tool

See Dennou Ruby Products Installation Guide.

Analysis and visualization with GPhys/GGraph

Under construction

Visualization with GPhys/gpcommands

Under construction

$Id: visualization.rd,v 1.7 2012-02-24 03:43:05 takepiro Exp $
DCPAM Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff dcstaff@gfd-dennou.org