GFD オンラインセミナー (第 18 回) (RIMS 流体力学セミナーとの共同開催) 日時: 2024 年 12 月 5 日 (木) 16:30--18:00 場所: zoom / 京大数理研本館 204 号室 講演者: Prof. David G. Dritschel (Mathematical Institute, University of St Andrews) 講演タイトル: The onset of filamentation on vorticity interfaces 講演要旨: As far back as the late 1800s, Lord Kelvin, who was one of the greatest fluid dynamicists of all time, noted a curious property of the dispersion relation governing linear waves propagating on a vorticity interface. Such an interface divides two regions of uniform vorticity in a two-dimensional perfect (inviscid, incompressible) fluid. Remarkably, small-amplitude waves on both a linear interface (e.g. one lying on the $y$ axis in equilibrium) "and" on the edge of a circular vortex patch oscillate at a frequency equal to half of the vorticity jump across the interface, $\Delta\omega/2$, when in a frame of reference moving with mean velocity at the interface. Notably, the frequency does not depend on the wavelength of the wave. As a result, in linear theory, any disturbance to a vorticity interface --- which in general is made up of many wavelengths --- oscillates at a fixed frequency, recovering its initial form after a time equal to $4\pi/\Delta\omega$. Kelvin had the insight to realise that, in the nonlinear equations, any finite-amplitude disturbance will experience a "shear" (induced by the equilibrium flow) which tends to slow down wave crests and troughs relative to points near the equilibrium interface position. He hypothesised that this shearing action would lead to progressive steepening of the disturbance, and, eventually, wave breaking. It took over a century before there were numerical methods capable of accurately simulating the long-time behaviour of disturbances to vorticity interfaces. The present author studied this problem with a novel numerical method based on `contour dynamics', introduced a decade earlier by Norm Zabusky and colleagues. In Dritschel J. Fluid Mech. 194, 511--547, (1988), it was confirmed that waves do break and form thin filaments extruding from the interface, and moreover, they break repeatedly, once every period of the linear oscillation. This results in a huge growth in complexity of the interface, which becomes covered in many filaments. This eventuality has been termed `Kelvin's hair'! The present author was unaware of Kelvin's hypothesis until he met Alex Craik on a visit to the University of St Andrews in the early 1990s. Professor Craik pulled down an original volume in the collected works of Kelvin from his library at home, and found the passage in which Kelvin hypothesised this scenario. Kelvin's insight is all the more remarkable given that the wave steepening is quite unlike what is found say in Burgers equation. Instead, the wave `performs a dance' every linear period, changing its form continuously: the wave crests at one instant of time later lie near the mean interface position then later still on the other side of the interface, etc. Crests and troughs do not remain in position (as they do in Burgers equation): the wave continuously distorts and then distorts back to its original form (or nearly). Hence, it is less obvious that shear will have the effect Kelvin hypothesised. In Dritschel (1988), a weakly-nonlinear theory was developed to show that there is net steepening of the wave every period, but this occurs on a very long time scale inversely proportional to the square of the wave slope. (This puts severe demands on any numerical simulation of the process.) The present talk will discuss recent further developments concerning the mathematical structure and properties of the weakly nonlinear equation. In particular, we show that the equation possesses a self-similar form describing the last stages in the steeping of a disturbance --- the onset of filamentation. Numerical evidence is provided which suggests that this equation is an attractor for almost all wave forms, implying that vorticity interfaces are generically prone to filamentation. 開催方法: 対面 + zoom のハイブリッド形式 トピック: 第18回 GFD オンラインセミナー 時刻: 2024年12月5日 04:30 PM 大阪、札幌、東京 参加 Zoom ミーティング ミーティング ID: 949 6567 9978 パスコード: 268689