set xrange[-2.9:2.9] set yrange[-2.9:2.9] set size square set zeroaxis lt -1 lw 1 unset tics set label "v_A < a" at -2,-2 font "Arial,15" set label "B_0" at -0.55,2.2 font "Arial,12" set style arrow 1 size character 2,20 filled linewidth 2 set arrow 1 from -0.2,1.7 to -0.2,2.4 arrowstyle 1 set label "(v_A^2+a^2)^{1/2}" at 1.8,-0.2 font "Arial,10" set label "a" at -0.2,1.6 font "Arial,10" set label "v_A" at -0.2,1.15 font "Arial,10" set label "v_T" at -0.2,0.8 font "Arial,10" plot "GV-2-3.txt" title "v_g (shear Alfven wave)" with points pt 7 lc "red" ps 2 replot "GV-2-1.txt" with line title "v_{gf} (fast mode)" lc rgb "dark-green" linewidth 5 replot "GV-2-2.txt" with line title "v_{gs} (slow mode)" lc rgb "blue" linewidth 4 set terminal png set output "GV2.png" replot