set xrange[0:pi/2] set yrange[0:2.3] set size square set xlabel "{/Symbol q} [radian]" set ylabel "phase velocity" set label "v_A > a" at 0.2,0.2 font "Arial,15" set xtics ('0' 0, '{/Symbol p}/6' pi/6, '{/Symbol p}/3' pi/3, '{/Symbol p}/2' pi/2) set ytics ('a' 1, 'v_A' sqrt(2), '(v_A^2+a^2)^{1/2}' sqrt(3)) a=1 VA=sqrt(2)*a plot 1 with lines dt (10,20) lc rgb "gray" notitle, sqrt(2) with lines dt (10,20) lc rgb "gray" notitle, sqrt(3) with lines dt (10,20) lc rgb "gray" notitle replot VA*cos(x) title "v_p (shear Alfven wave)" lc rgb "red" linewidth 5 replot sqrt(0.5*(VA**2+a**2+sqrt((VA**2+a**2)**2-4*VA**2*a**2*cos(x)**2))) title "v_{pf} (fast mode)" lc rgb "dark-green" linewidth 5 replot sqrt(0.5*(VA**2+a**2-sqrt((VA**2+a**2)**2-4*VA**2*a**2*cos(x)**2))) title "v_{ps} (slow mode)" lc rgb "blue" linewidth 5 set terminal png set output "PV1.png" replot