Information about netCDF Mailing-Lists These mailing-lists are maintained to support discussion on matters of common interest to netCDF users. The netcdfgroup Mailing-List The mailing-list is intended for discussions and announcements about netCDF interfaces, software, and use. The volume of this list varies widely, from one message per month to a dozen messages per day (especially after a new release). A message posted to this mailing-list will be seen by several hundred people, so it's usually not appropriate for asking simple questions about use. Such questions should instead be sent to The ncdigest Mailing-List If you would prefer to get only a single daily digest of the postings to the netcdfgroup mailing-list, subscribe instead to the mailing-list. It's a digested form of the netcdfgroup mailing-list, containing the same messages but appearing at most once per day instead of whenever anyone sends a message to the group. Sending Messages to the Lists You must be a subscriber to either the netcdfgroup or ncdigest mailing-list in order to post a message to the lists. Messages sent to will be distributed to all subscribers, usually within an hour or two of being sent. These are automatically accumulated and sent once per day as a single message to the subscribers of the ncdigest mailing-list. You should not send messages directly to Please don't send a request to change your subscription or to change your e-mail address to the netcdfgroup mailing-list, because it won't work, and it may irritate other subscribers. All such requests should follow the procedures described below. Subscribing and Unsubscribing The following form allows you to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the netCDF mailing-lists. When you submit the form, the appropriate commands are sent to the majordomo mailing-list-maintenance program. The results will be returned to you via e-mail. NOTES: * Because the subscribe/unsubscribe actions are actually performed via an e-mail message, the results are not instantaneous--it may take several minutes for your request to register. * If you prefer, you can obtain the same results by sending the appropriate commands directly to via e-mail. A man page containing a list of majordomo commands is available. Action? Subscribe Unsubscribe Mailing-List? ncdigest netcdfgroup Your fully qualified e-mail address (required): Your full given name (required): To change your e-mail address, unsubscribe your old address, and subscribe your new address. Similarly, to change which mailing-list you receive, unsubscribe from the old one and subscribe to the new one. Archives of Past Messages Past postings to the netcdfgroup mailing-list are available via anonymous FTP from in the mail-archives directory. Access to a searchable index of these archives is available from the netCDF home page on the World Wide Web, at ------------------------------------------------------------------------