DCL:GRPH1:Summary:2-D Normalization Transformation
The following types of 2-D coordinate systems exist in the UC, and the user can specify one with the number of function. (Functions that return the function number from an abbreviation or name is also available.) Each coordinate system needs different sets of parameters for normalization transformation depending on the type.
Number | Abbrev. | Name | |
1 | U-U | UNI-UNI | rectangular uniform coordinate |
2 | U-L | UNI-LOG | semi- logarithmic coordinate |
3 | L-U | LOG-UNI | semi-logarithmic coordinate |
4 | L-L | LOG-LOG | logarithmic coordinate |
Number | Abbrev. | Name | |
5 | POL | POLAR | polar coordinate |
6 | BPL | BIPOLAR | bipolar coordinate |
7 | ELP | ELLIPTIC | elliptic coordinate (not yet implemented) |
Number | Abbrev. | Name | |
10 | CYL | CYLINDRICAL | equidistant cylindrical projection |
11 | MER | MERCATOR | Mercator's projection |
12 | MWD | MOLLWEIDE | Mollweide's projection |
13 | HMR | HAMMER | Hammer's projection |
14 | EK6 | ECKERT 6 | Eckert VI projection |
15 | KTD | KITADA | Kitada's elliptic projection |
20 | CON | CONICAL | equidistant conical projection |
21 | COA | CONICAL EQ.AREA | Lambert's equal-area conical projection |
22 | COC | CONICAL CONFORMAL | Lambert's conformal conical projection |
23 | BON | BONNE | Bonne's projection |
30 | OTG | ORTHOGRAPHIC | orthographic projection |
31 | PST | POLAR STEREO | polar stereo projection |
32 | AZM | AZIMUTHAL | azimuthal equidistant projection |
33 | AZA | AZIMUTHAL EQ.AREA | Lambert's azimuthal equal-area projection |
Number | Abbrev. | Name | |
99 | USR | USER | User defined function |
The user will prepare the transformation function necessary for the user defined coordinate system. For details, see Section 6 (STPACK).