gt4f90io installation guide


  1. Make an empty directory, and extract archive.
            $ tar xvzf gt4f90io-current.tgz

    A directory `gt4f90io' created at the current working directory.

  2. Move `gt4f90io' directroy, and excute `./configure'

    If your path of netCDF library is `/usr/local/netcdf/lib/libnetcdf.a', you should set options as follow.

           $ ./configure --with-netcdf=/usr/local/netcdf/lib/libnetcdf.a

    A configure file `' created at the current working directory.

  3. Edit `'

    Then go to the gt4f90io directory and edit

            FC          : Fortran 90 compiler.
            SYSFLAGS    : Flags needed for Compile and Link.
                          (Options for Compile).
            SYSLDFLAGS  : Flags needed for Link.
            SYSLDLIBS   : Library needed for Link.
            F90MODTYPE  : Way to pass over modules informations.
            DEST_LIB    : gt4f90io library (libgt4f90io.a) will be installed there.
            DEST_INC    : gt4f90io modules (*.mod) will be installed there.
            DEST_BIN    : gt4f90io tools (gt*) will be installed there.
            DEST_DOC    : gt4f90io documents (*.htm) will be installed there.
            MODS        : suffix of the module file
            AR          : Archive command

  4. Compile and Install.
            $ make
            # make install

    If you want to install documents in your system, execute as follow.

            # make install-doc

2004-02-12 Morikawa Yasuhiro: Modify for gt4f90io
2001-06-18 Odaka Masatsugu
2001-06-18 TOYODA Eizi: translated into English