
Path: dc_utils/dcstringputline.f90
Last Update: Fri Mar 20 18:09:52 +0900 2009

Required files


Included Modules

dc_types dc_string dc_present

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
array(:) :real(DP), intent(in)
lbounds(1) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(1) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineDouble1( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real(DP), intent(in):: array(:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(1)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(1)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(1), ubound_nums(1)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real(DP):: max_value, min_value
  real(DP), allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = array

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<DP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%f, @min=%f, @avg=%r%c>', d = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineDouble1
Subroutine :
array(:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
lbounds(2) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(2) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineDouble2( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real(DP), intent(in):: array(:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(2)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(2)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(2), ubound_nums(2)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real(DP):: max_value, min_value
  real(DP), allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<DP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%f, @min=%f, @avg=%r%c>', d = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineDouble2
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
lbounds(3) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(3) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineDouble3( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real(DP), intent(in):: array(:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(3)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(3)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(3), ubound_nums(3)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real(DP):: max_value, min_value
  real(DP), allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<DP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%f, @min=%f, @avg=%r%c>', d = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineDouble3
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
lbounds(4) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(4) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineDouble4( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real(DP), intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(4)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(4)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(4), ubound_nums(4)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real(DP):: max_value, min_value
  real(DP), allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<DP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%f, @min=%f, @avg=%r%c>', d = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineDouble4
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
lbounds(5) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(5) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineDouble5( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real(DP), intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(5)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(5)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(5), ubound_nums(5)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real(DP):: max_value, min_value
  real(DP), allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<DP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%f, @min=%f, @avg=%r%c>', d = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineDouble5
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
lbounds(6) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(6) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineDouble6( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real(DP), intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(6)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(6)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(6), ubound_nums(6)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real(DP):: max_value, min_value
  real(DP), allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
    lbound_nums(6) = lbound( array, 6 )
    ubound_nums(6) = ubound( array, 6 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<DP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%f, @min=%f, @avg=%r%c>', d = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineDouble6
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real(DP), intent(in)
lbounds(7) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(7) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineDouble7( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real(DP), intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(7)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(7)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(7), ubound_nums(7)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real(DP):: max_value, min_value
  real(DP), allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
    lbound_nums(6) = lbound( array, 6 )
    ubound_nums(6) = ubound( array, 6 )
    lbound_nums(7) = lbound( array, 7 )
    ubound_nums(7) = ubound( array, 7 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(7)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(7)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<DP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%f, @min=%f, @avg=%r%c>', d = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineDouble7
Subroutine :
array(:) :integer, intent(in)
lbounds(1) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(1) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional

数値型配列の要約を以下のように印字します. avg は平均値, sd は標準偏差です. 標準偏差は, 論理型オプショナル引数 sd に真を与えたときのみ 表示します.

Summary of numerical array is printed as follows. "avg" is average value, "sd" is standard deviation. Standard deviation is displayed only when .true. is set to logical optional argument "sd".

  #<INT-ARRAY:: @size=(1:3), @max=3, @min=1, @avg=2. @sd=0.816496611>
  #<SP-ARRAY:: @size=(1:1), @max=0., @min=0., @avg=0. @sd=0.>
  #<DP-ARRAY:: @size=(1:3,1:3,1:3), @max=20., @min=7., @avg=13.5 @sd=3.29140282>

array には整数, 単精度実数, 倍精度実数の配列 (1 ~ 7) を 与えます. 配列添字の下限と上限を表示したい場合には, 以下のように lboundsubounds を指定します. これらを指定しない場合には, 表示される配列添字は 1:<配列サイズ> となります.

Integer, single precision, and double precision array (1 — 7) is given to array. In order to print the upper bound and the lower bound for subscript of array, specify lbounds and ubounds as follows. Otherwise, 1:<size of array> is printed as subscript of array.

  program putline_test
    use dc_string, only: PutLine
    real:: rarray(-2:2, -3:3)

    rarray(-2:0, -3:0) = -1.0
    rarray(-2:0, 1:3) = -2.0
    rarray(1:2, -3:0) = 1.0
    rarray(1:2, 1:3) = 2.0
    call PutLine ( rarray, &
      & lbounds = lbound(rarray), ubounds = ubound(rarray) )
  end program putline_test

unit には印字する装置番号を指定します. デフォルトは標準出力です. indent には字下げのための空白を与えます.

Unit number for print is specified to unit. Default is standard output. Blank for indent is specified to indent.


subroutine PutLineInt1( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )
  ! 数値型配列の要約を以下のように印字します. 
  ! avg は平均値, sd は標準偏差です. 
  ! 標準偏差は, 論理型オプショナル引数 sd に真を与えたときのみ
  ! 表示します. 
  ! Summary of numerical array is printed as follows.
  ! "avg" is average value, "sd" is standard deviation.
  ! Standard deviation is displayed only when .true. is set to 
  ! logical optional argument "sd". 
  !   #<INT-ARRAY:: @size=(1:3), @max=3, @min=1, @avg=2. @sd=0.816496611>
  !   #<SP-ARRAY:: @size=(1:1), @max=0., @min=0., @avg=0. @sd=0.>
  !   #<DP-ARRAY:: @size=(1:3,1:3,1:3), @max=20., @min=7., @avg=13.5 @sd=3.29140282>
  ! *array* には整数, 単精度実数, 倍精度実数の配列 (1 ~ 7) を
  ! 与えます. 配列添字の下限と上限を表示したい場合には, 
  ! 以下のように *lbounds* と *ubounds* を指定します. 
  ! これらを指定しない場合には, 
  ! 表示される配列添字は 1:<配列サイズ> となります.
  ! Integer, single precision, and double precision array 
  ! (1 -- 7) is given to *array*. 
  ! In order to print the upper bound and the lower bound 
  ! for subscript of array, 
  ! specify *lbounds* and *ubounds* as follows. 
  ! Otherwise, 1:<size of array> is printed as subscript of array.
  !   program putline_test
  !     use dc_string, only: PutLine
  !     real:: rarray(-2:2, -3:3)
  !     rarray(-2:0, -3:0) = -1.0
  !     rarray(-2:0, 1:3) = -2.0
  !     rarray(1:2, -3:0) = 1.0
  !     rarray(1:2, 1:3) = 2.0
  !     call PutLine ( rarray, & 
  !       & lbounds = lbound(rarray), ubounds = ubound(rarray) )
  !   end program putline_test
  ! *unit* には印字する装置番号を指定します. デフォルトは標準出力です.
  ! *indent* には字下げのための空白を与えます.
  ! Unit number for print is specified to *unit*. Default is standard output.
  ! Blank for indent is specified to *indent*.

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in):: array(:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(1)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(1)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(1), ubound_nums(1)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  integer:: max_value, min_value
  integer, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = array

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<INT-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%d, @min=%d, @avg=%r%c>', i = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineInt1
Subroutine :
array(:,:) :integer, intent(in)
lbounds(2) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(2) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineInt2( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in):: array(:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(2)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(2)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(2), ubound_nums(2)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  integer:: max_value, min_value
  integer, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<INT-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%d, @min=%d, @avg=%r%c>', i = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineInt2
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
lbounds(3) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(3) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineInt3( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in):: array(:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(3)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(3)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(3), ubound_nums(3)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  integer:: max_value, min_value
  integer, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<INT-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%d, @min=%d, @avg=%r%c>', i = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineInt3
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
lbounds(4) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(4) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineInt4( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(4)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(4)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(4), ubound_nums(4)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  integer:: max_value, min_value
  integer, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<INT-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%d, @min=%d, @avg=%r%c>', i = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineInt4
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
lbounds(5) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(5) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineInt5( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(5)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(5)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(5), ubound_nums(5)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  integer:: max_value, min_value
  integer, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<INT-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%d, @min=%d, @avg=%r%c>', i = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineInt5
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
lbounds(6) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(6) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineInt6( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(6)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(6)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(6), ubound_nums(6)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  integer:: max_value, min_value
  integer, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
    lbound_nums(6) = lbound( array, 6 )
    ubound_nums(6) = ubound( array, 6 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<INT-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%d, @min=%d, @avg=%r%c>', i = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineInt6
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :integer, intent(in)
lbounds(7) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(7) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineInt7( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(7)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(7)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(7), ubound_nums(7)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  integer:: max_value, min_value
  integer, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
    lbound_nums(6) = lbound( array, 6 )
    ubound_nums(6) = ubound( array, 6 )
    lbound_nums(7) = lbound( array, 7 )
    ubound_nums(7) = ubound( array, 7 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(7)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(7)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<INT-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%d, @min=%d, @avg=%r%c>', i = (/max_value, min_value/), r = (/avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineInt7
Subroutine :
array(:) :real, intent(in)
lbounds(1) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(1) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineReal1( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real, intent(in):: array(:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(1)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(1)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(1), ubound_nums(1)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real:: max_value, min_value
  real, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = array

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<SP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%r, @min=%r, @avg=%r%c>', r = (/max_value, min_value, avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineReal1
Subroutine :
array(:,:) :real, intent(in)
lbounds(2) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(2) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineReal2( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real, intent(in):: array(:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(2)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(2)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(2), ubound_nums(2)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real:: max_value, min_value
  real, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<SP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%r, @min=%r, @avg=%r%c>', r = (/max_value, min_value, avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineReal2
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
lbounds(3) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(3) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineReal3( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real, intent(in):: array(:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(3)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(3)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(3), ubound_nums(3)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real:: max_value, min_value
  real, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<SP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%r, @min=%r, @avg=%r%c>', r = (/max_value, min_value, avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineReal3
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
lbounds(4) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(4) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineReal4( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real, intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(4)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(4)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(4), ubound_nums(4)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real:: max_value, min_value
  real, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<SP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%r, @min=%r, @avg=%r%c>', r = (/max_value, min_value, avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineReal4
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
lbounds(5) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(5) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineReal5( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real, intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(5)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(5)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(5), ubound_nums(5)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real:: max_value, min_value
  real, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<SP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%r, @min=%r, @avg=%r%c>', r = (/max_value, min_value, avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineReal5
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
lbounds(6) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(6) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineReal6( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real, intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(6)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(6)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(6), ubound_nums(6)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real:: max_value, min_value
  real, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
    lbound_nums(6) = lbound( array, 6 )
    ubound_nums(6) = ubound( array, 6 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<SP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%r, @min=%r, @avg=%r%c>', r = (/max_value, min_value, avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineReal6
Subroutine :
array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) :real, intent(in)
lbounds(7) :integer, intent(in), optional
ubounds(7) :integer, intent(in), optional
unit :integer, intent(in), optional
indent :character(*), intent(in), optional
sd :logical, intent(in), optional


subroutine PutLineReal7( array, lbounds, ubounds, unit, indent, sd )

  use dc_types, only: DP, STRING, STDOUT
  use dc_string, only: toChar
  use dc_string, only: Printf, CPrintf
  use dc_present, only: present_and_true
  implicit none
  real, intent(in):: array(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: lbounds(7)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: ubounds(7)
  integer, intent(in), optional:: unit
  character(*), intent(in), optional:: indent
  logical, intent(in), optional:: sd
  integer:: out_unit
  integer:: indent_len
  character(STRING):: indent_str
  integer:: i
  integer:: alldim_size, lbound_nums(7), ubound_nums(7)
  character(STRING):: size_str, sd_str
  real:: max_value, min_value
  real, allocatable:: array_packed(:)
  real:: avg_value, variance_value, sd_value

  !  オプショナル引数のチェック
  !  Check optional arguments
  if ( present(unit) ) then
    out_unit = unit
    out_unit = STDOUT
  end if

  indent_len = 0
  indent_str = ''
  if ( present(indent) ) then
    if (len(indent) /= 0) then
      indent_len = len(indent)
      indent_str(1:indent_len) = indent
    end if
  end if

  !  配列サイズ
  !  Array size

  if ( present(lbounds) .and. present(ubounds) ) then
    lbound_nums = lbounds
    ubound_nums = ubounds
                        lbound_nums(1) = lbound( array, 1 )
    ubound_nums(1) = ubound( array, 1 )
    lbound_nums(2) = lbound( array, 2 )
    ubound_nums(2) = ubound( array, 2 )
    lbound_nums(3) = lbound( array, 3 )
    ubound_nums(3) = ubound( array, 3 )
    lbound_nums(4) = lbound( array, 4 )
    ubound_nums(4) = ubound( array, 4 )
    lbound_nums(5) = lbound( array, 5 )
    ubound_nums(5) = ubound( array, 5 )
    lbound_nums(6) = lbound( array, 6 )
    ubound_nums(6) = ubound( array, 6 )
    lbound_nums(7) = lbound( array, 7 )
    ubound_nums(7) = ubound( array, 7 )
  end if

  size_str = '('
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(1))) // ':'
  size_str = trim(size_str) // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(1)))
                      size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(2)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(3)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(4)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(5)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(6)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ',' // trim(toChar(lbound_nums(7)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ':' // trim(toChar(ubound_nums(7)))
  size_str = trim(size_str) // ')'

  !  最大値
  !  Maximum value
  max_value = maxval(array)

  !  最小値
  !  Minimum value
  min_value = minval(array)

  !  平均値
  !  Average value
  alldim_size = size(array)
  avg_value = sum(array) / real(alldim_size)

  !  標準偏差
  !  Standard deviation
  sd_value = 0.0
  variance_value = 0.0
  sd_str = ''
  if ( present_and_true( sd ) ) then
    if ( alldim_size > 1 ) then
      if (allocated(array_packed)) then
      end if
      allocate( array_packed(alldim_size) )

                            array_packed = pack(array, .true.)

      do i = 1, alldim_size
        variance_value = variance_value + (array_packed(i) - avg_value) * (array_packed(i) - avg_value)
      end do
      variance_value = variance_value / real(alldim_size)
      sd_value = sqrt( variance_value )
      sd_str = CPrintf ( ' @sd=%r', r = (/ sd_value /) )
    end if
  end if

  !  印字
  !  Print
  call Printf(out_unit, indent_str(1:indent_len) // '#<SP-ARRAY:: @size=%c, @max=%r, @min=%r, @avg=%r%c>', r = (/max_value, min_value, avg_value/), c1 = trim(size_str), c2 = trim(sd_str) )

end subroutine PutLineReal7