/GFD_Dennou_Club/ ftp/ arch/ prepri/ 2011/ mars-workshop/
T. Yamashita, M. Odaka, K. Sugiyama, K. Nakajima, M. Ishiwatari, Y.-Y. Hayashi, "Atmospheric convection with condensation of the major component", Fourth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations, 8th-11th February, 2011, Paris, France.
山下達也 (2011/04/18 山下達也)
[講演日 : 2 月 11 日 (金) 場所 : Institut Oceanographique de Paris, Paris, France. 予稿 pdf は ./yokou/pub/MarsWS2011-abst_v4.pdf 発表資料目次は ./presen/pub/]
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