DCL:GRPH1:STPACK: Transformation Functions:Explanation of Subroutines: Coordinate Transformation
Performs a normalization transformation (transformation of UC and VC)
vx, vy = NumRu::DCL.stftrf(ux,uy)
ux, uy = NumRu::DCL.stitrf(vx,vy)
lmapa = NumRu::DCL.stqtrf()
ux,uy (R) Coordinates in UC. vx,vy (R) Coordinates in VC. lmap (L) A flag indicating a map projection function
- (a)
- These functions internally call STFRAD, STFROT, and STFTRN.
- (b)
- When LFLAG=.TRUE., STFTRN is called after coordinate rotation by STFROT.
- (c)
- In map projections, when transformation is not possible due to such factors as a singular point, the value of the internal variable rundef handled by glpget/glpset is returned. (The initial value is -999.0.)