DCL:GRPH1:SWPACK: Machine-Dependent Routines:Explanation of Subroutines: Inquiry Routines
Inquires about the capabilities of a SWPACK routine.
lwdatr = NumRu::DCL.swqwdc()
lclatr = NumRu::DCL.swqclc()
ltnatr = NumRu::DCL.swqtnc()
limatr = NumRu::DCL.swqimc()
lptatr = NumRu::DCL.swqptc()
lwd (L) When line width can be varied: .TRUE. (o) lcl (L) When line color can be varied: .TRUE. (o) ltn (L) When hard fill can be made: .TRUE. (o) lim (L) When imaging can be made: .TRUE. (o) lim (L) When the position of the mouse can be inquired: .TRUE. (o)
- (a)
- In devices where the line width or color cannot be changed, a higher routine converts the information of the line attribute to an attribute that can be distinguished in the device, unless specified otherwise.
- (b)
- In a device that cannot perform hard fill, a higher routine will perform soft fill.