7.8.2 uscget/uscset(uscstx)

Inquires/changes the character parameters. (uscstx permits change with a runtime option.)

cpara = NumRu::DCL.uscget(cp)

cp (C*(*)) The name of a parameter. (i)
cpara (C*(*)) The value of a parameter. (i/o)

List of Parameters
cxttl The X- axis title (shorter than 32 characters)
cyttl The Y- axis title (shorter than 32 characters)

cxside The position to plot the X axis.
You may specify this using up to 2 characters out of 'T'(Top), 'B'(Bottom), 'U'(User). Of the 2 characters specified, the subtitle and title is written in the position specified first. (Note 1)
cyside The position to plot the Y axis.
You may specify this using up to 2 characters out of 'R'(Right), 'L'(Left), 'U'(User). Of the 2 characters specified, the subtitle and title is written in the position specified first. (Note 1)

cxspos The position to write the X-axis sub-label: 'R' or 'L'
cyspos The position to write the Y-axis sub-label: 'T' or 'B'
cxunit The unit to write in the X-axis sub-label (shorter than 32 characters) 
cyunit The unit to write in the Y-axis sub-label (shorter than 32 characters) 
cxfmt The X-axis label format. (Note 2)
cyfmt The Y-axis label format. (Note 2)
cblkt The brackets for the sub-labels. The initial value is '()' When a blank is specified, no brackets are written.

(Note 1) When the labelzs of the first position specified by the internal variables cxside and cyside is .false., then neither the subtitle or title is written.

(Note 2) When these formats are specified explicitly, dxl and dyl must be specified accordingly since this information is not reflected in label intervals.

The following subroutines are available for handling the internal variables.
ncp = NumRu::DCL.uscqnp() Counts the total number of internal variables (NCP).
idx = NumRu::DCL.uscqid(cp) Determines the position (IDX) of the internal variable cp.
cp = NumRu::DCL.uscqcp(idx) Inquires the name (CP) of the internal variable at position idx.
cval = NumRu::DCL.uscqvl(idx) Inquires the value (IPARA) of the internal variable at position idx.
NumRu::DCL.uscsvl(idx,cval) Changes the value (IPARA) of the internal variable at position idx
USCGET calls the above USCQID to determine the position of an internal variable, and inquires its value using uscqvl. uscset calls uscqid to determine the position of an internal variable and changes its value using uscsvl. Therefore, when the specified internal variable is not found, an error message is printed by uscqid.
Specify an appropriate type of constant or variable for ITYPE.