3.4 Specification of Attributes in LLA

Each subroutine in LLA have two arguments named islct and cside. These two and other arguments specify the attributes of each component.
ISLCT takes the value of 0, 1, or 2 Of the attributes introduced in Section 3.3, those with <islct> are set by inquiring the the internal variable specified by these arguments. The actual meanings of islct=0,1,2 are
islct=0: draw graphics using the internal variables defined by user.
islct=1: draw graphics using the internal variables preset by this package. Used for drawing minor tick marks, labels, and title.
islct=2: draw graphics using the internal variables preset by this package. Used for drawing large tick marks, labels, and title.
For example, the line index of the line for the axis has the internal variables 'INDEXT0', 'INDEXT1', and 'INDEXT2'forislct=0,1,2, respectively (with initial values of undefined, 1, and 3, respectively), and the attributed are set by inquiring these internal variables. Hereafter, this will be expressed as: "The attributes of the line index will be set by inquiring the values specified by the internal variables 'INDEXTi' (The initial values are undefined, 1, and 3)." These internal variables can be inquired/changed using uzpget/uzpset (See Section (3.7.1.)
CSIDE specifies the position to draw the component as well as to set the attributes that are dependent on the draw position. Of the attributes in Section 3.3, those with <cside> are set by inquiring the internal variables specified by this argument. For example, the angle of rotation of the X axis title has the internal variables 'IROTCXB', 'IROTCXT', and 'IROTCXU' for  CSIDE='B','T', and 'U', respectively (with initial values of 0, 0, and 0, respectively), and the attributes are set by inquiring these internal variables. Hereafter, this will be expressed as: "The attributes of the rotation angle of the  X axis title will be set by inquiring the values specified by the internal variables 'IROTCXs'. (The initial values are 0, 0, and 0.)" Also, the angle of rotation of the Y axis title has the internal variables 'IROTCYL', 'IROTCYR', and 'IROTCYU' for CSIDE='L','R', and 'U', respectively (with initial values of 1, 1, and 1, respectively), and the attributes are set by inquiring these internal variables. Hereafter, this will be expressed as: "The attributes for the angle of rotation of the Y axis title will be set by inquiring the values specified by the internal variables 'IROTCYs'. (The initial values are 1, 1, and 1.)"  Furthermore, the 'IROTCXs' and 'IROTCYs' will be collectively expressed as: "The attributes for the angle of rotation of the axis labels will be set by inquiring the values specified by the internal variables 'IROTCzs'. (The initial values are 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, and 1.)"
Of the attributes in Section 3.3, those with <argument> are set by directly specifying the value of the argument.

The attributes in Section 3.3 are actually set by the following method.

The line segment for axis
a. The line index of the line segment <ISLCT>
A line segment is drawn using the line index specified by the internal variable 'INDEXTi'. (The initial values are undefined, 1, and 3.)
The tick marks
a. Length of a tick mark <ISLCT>
Tick marks are drawn using the length (shown in units in VC) specified by the internal variables 'RSIZETi'. (The initial values are undefined, 0.007, and 0.014.)
b. The line index for a tick mark <islct>
Tick marks are drawn using the line index specified by the internal variables 'INDEXTi'. (The initial values are undefined, 1, and 3.) [Note: The direction the tick marks are drawn is set by the internal variable 'INNER'. When 'INNER' has a positive value, the tick marks are drawn towards the inside, and when negative, drawn towards the outside. (The initial value is +1.)]
a. Character height <islct>
Characters are drawn using the character height (shown in units in VC) specified by the internal variables 'RSIZELi'. (The initial values are undefined, 0.021, and 0.028.)
b. Angle of rotation of text <cside>
Labels are drawn using the angle of rotation option specified by the internal variables 'IROTLzs'. (The initial values are 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0.) The angle of rotation option is specified by an integer value when a unit of rotation for the label is a rotation of 90 degrees. (For example, when performing a rotation of  90 degrees, specify 1, and when performing a rotation of -90 deg., specify -1.)
c. Centering option of text <cside>
Labels are drawn using the centering option specified by the internal variables 'ICENTzs'. (The initial values are 0, 0, 0, +1, +1, ane +1.) The centering option specifies whether the label is drawn by left aligned (-1), centered (0), or right aligned (+1).
d. Line index of the line for the text <islct>
Characters are drawn using the line index specified by the internal variables 'INDEXLi'. (The initial values are undefined, 3, and 3.)
a. Character height <islct>
Characters are drawn using the character height (in units in VC) specified by the internal variables 'RSIZECi'. (The initial values are undefined, 0.028, and 0.035.)
b. Angle of rotation of text <cside>
Titles are drawn using the angle of rotation option specified by the internal variables 'IROTCzs'. (The initial values are 0, 0, 0, +1, +1, and +1.) The angle of rotation option is specified by an integer value when a unit of rotation for the title is a rotation of 90 degrees. (For example, when performing a rotation of  90 degrees, specify 1, and when performing a rotation of -90 deg., specify -1.)
c. Centering option of text <argument>
Titles are drawn using the centering option specified by the argument. The centering option specifies whether the label is drawn by left aligned (-1), centered (0), or right aligned (+1).
d. Line index of the line for the text  <islct>
Characters are drawn using the line index specified by the internal variables 'INDEXLi'. (The initial values are undefined, 3, and 3.)