4.3.4 ulpget/ulpset(ulpstx)

Inquires/changes an internal variable used in the ULPACK subroutine package. (ulpstx permits change with a runtime option.)
lpara = NumRu::DCL.ulpget(cp)
Explanation of Parameters
cp (C*8) The name of an internal variable.
ipara (I) The value of an internal variable.

Below is a list of names that can be specified as  cp.

'IXCHR' (I) The label for the X axis in the form of  2. 10n, and is the character number to be used in the position '. '. It is specified using the DCL character number (See the user's manual for "GRPH1.") The initial value is 195 (. ).
'IYCHR' (I) The label for the Y axis in the form of  2. 10n, and is the character number to be used in the position '. '. It is specified using the DCL character number (See the user's manual for "GRPH1.") The initial value is 195 (. ).
'IXTYPE' (I) Specifies the label format for the X axis. Specified using an integer value between 1 and 4. (The initial value is 1.) The meaning of the values are explained in the next page.
'IYTYPE' (I) Specifies the label format for the Y axis. Specified using an integer value between 1 and 4. (The initial value is 1.)
1: Exponent part placed on all labels.
  Examples:  1. 103  2. 103  5. 103  1. 104
However, when the internal variable 'LCNTL' handled by sglget/sglset (See user's manual for "GRPH1") is .false., then the . 10n is expressed as En
2: The exponent part is not placed on labels for marks besides 10n.
     Examples:  103  2  5  104 
3: All labels are characterized using the subroutine chval (See section on FMTLIB in the user's manual for "MISC1.")
     Examples:  1000  2000  5000  10000
4: The subroutine chval is used only for labels on 10n marks. Other marks will be labeled as when 2 is specified. 
     Examples:  1000  2  5  10000

The following subroutines are available for handling the internal variables.
ncp = NumRu::DCL.ulpqnp() Counts the total number of internal variables (NCP).
idx = NumRu::DCL.ulpqid(cp) Determines the position (IDX) of the internal variable cp.
cp = NumRu::DCL.ulpqcp(idx) Inquires the name (CP) of the internal variable at position idx.
ipara = NumRu::DCL.ulpqvl(idx) Inquires the value (IPARA) of the internal variable at position idx.
NumRu::DCL.ulpsvl(idx,ipara) Changes the value (IPARA) of the internal variable at position idx
ULpGET calls the above ULPQID to determine the position of an internal variable, and inquires its value using ulpqvl. ulpset calls ulpqid to determine the position of an internal variable and changes its value using ulpsvl. Therefore, when the specified internal variable is not found, an error message is printed by ulpqid.
When 'IXTYPE'/'IYTYPE' is 3 or 4, the format delivered to chval can be changed with  ulxsfm/ulysfm.