DCL:MATH1:SYSLIB : Internal Variable Management and Message Output: Explanation of Subroutines
Inquires/changes an internal variable used in MATH1 (and the whole DCL). (glpstx allows changes by a runtime option.) All internal variables can be inquired, but system-dependent internal variables cannot be changed.
lpara = NumRu::DCL.glpget(cp)
cp (C*8) Name of an internal variable ipara (I,R,L) Value of an internal variable
The following is a list of names that can be specified as cp.
'NBITSPW' (I) Bit length of 1 word. System-dependent (usually 32) 'NCHRSPW' (I) Character length of 1 word. System-dependent (usually 4) 'INTMAX' (I) The maximum integer that can be expressed by 1 word. System-dependent (See Notes.) 'REALMAX' (R) The maximum floating-point number that can be expressed by 1 word. System-dependent (See Notes.) 'REALMIN' (R) The minimum positive floating-point number that can be expressed by 1 word. System-dependent (See Notes.) 'IIUNIT' (I) Number of the standard input device. System-dependent (usually 5) 'IOUNIT' (I) Number of the standard output device. System-dependent (usually 6). 'MSGUNIT' (I) The output device for message output. (Initial value same as 'IOUNIT'). 'MAXMSG' (I) The maximum number of messages (Initial value: 20) 'MSGLEV' (I) If the output message level is below 0, will output all messages. If 1, will output warning and error messages. Above 2, will only output error message. (Initial value: 0) 'NLNSIZE' (I) The maximum number of characters in a message printed in a single line (Initial value: 78). When a message is printed, the first column of each line begins with a blank, so the actual number of characters for each line is 'NLNSIZE'+1. 'LMISS' (L) Specifies whether missing-value handling will be performed. Performed when .true., and not performed when .false.. (Initial value: .false.). 'IMISS' (I) Specifies the integer-type missing value for missing-value handling. (Initial value: 999) 'RMISS' (R) Specifies the floating-point-number-type missing value for missing-value handling. (Initial value: 999.0) 'IUNDEF' (I) Integer-type value indicating 'not specified'. (Initial value: -999) 'RUNDEF' (I) Floating-point-number-type value indicating 'not specified'. (Initial value: -999.0) 'LEPSL' (L) Specifies whether error is included when comparing floating-point numbers .(See Chapters 8,9,10,11.) If .true., error is included; if .false., error is not included. (Initial value: .false.) 'REPSL' (R) The standard value of relative error in comparison including error. System-dependent (see Notes). 'RFACT' (R) A scaling factor (Initial value: 1.0) that is multiplied with the standard value of relative error in comparison including error. 'REPSL'*'RFACT' is used as the relative error.
ncp = NumRu::DCL.glpqnp() Calculates the total number ncp of internal variables idx = NumRu::DCL.glpqid(cp) Determines the position idx of an internal variable cp cp = NumRu::DCL.glpqcp(idx) Inquires the name cp of an internal variable at position idx ipara = NumRu::DCL.glpqvl(idx) Inquires the value ipara of an internal variable at position idx NumRu::DCL.glpsvl(idx,ipara) Changes the value ipara of an internal variable at position idx
Mainframe UNIX 'INTMAX' 2147483647 2147483647 'REALMAX' 0.7237005E+76 3.4028236E+38 'REALMIN' 0.5397605E-78 1.1754944E-38 'REPSL' 0.95E-5 1.2E-6
DCL:MATH1:SYSLIB : Internal Variable Management and Message Output: Explanation of Subroutines