1.1 Introduction

GRPH1(Graphics Processing Sub-package) is used to perform coordinate transformations and to draw basic graphics such as line segments. This package uses the libraries MATH1 and MISC1. GRPH1 contains following sub-packages.

The user normally uses the routine group SGPACK, and other packages seldom need to be used. However, since the actual graphic processing is performed by the SZPACK, it is possible to write a program basically using only the SZPACK. Since the overhead for setting various parameters in SGPACk is time-consuming, the SZPAKC may be used for efficiency.

The internal variable handling routines in GRPH1 are only SGpGET/SGpSET of SGPACK and SWpGET/SWpSET of SWPACK. Here, p represents the variable types R: a floating-point variable; I: an integer variable; L: a logical variable; and C: a character variable. In this manual, the general nomenclature for an entry according to the variable type will be given as SGpSET. Since SWpGET/SWpSET mainly manages machine-dependent parameters, the main internal variables in GRPH1 will all be handled by SGpGET/SGpSET.

Of these packages, only SWPACK contains some machine-dependent parts.