1.1 Introduction

The GRPH2 high-level package for graphics processing is a collection of routines for drawing graphics such as coordinate axes and contour lines by combining simple graphics elements such as polylines and characters in GRPH1.

The GRPH2 is a level-2 library and is not machine-dependent, but you will need to have GRPH1, MISC1, and MATH1 properly installed. (Strictly speaking, finding a file name for storing map information used by UMPACK may be system-dependent.) For definitions of basic terminology for coordinate systems, coordinate transformations, and the output primitives, see the manual for "GRPH1."

The GRPH2 contains several sub-packages corresponding to the different types of graphics to be drawn. The number of sub-packages have increased gradually over the years, and at the present, the following packages are available for creating graphs for presenting 1-D scalar quantities, 2-D scalar quantities,  and 2-D vector quantities.

Many packages in GRPH2 have independent internal-variable-handling routines with the name xxpGET/xxpSET. Here, xx is the first two characters of the package name, and p is the variable type (R: floating-point variable; I: integer variables; L: logical variables; and C: character variables. In this manual, the entry name for different types will be collectively referred to as xxpGET/xxpSET.