Inquires/changes an internal variable used in UCPACK. (UCpSTX permits change with a runtime option.)
Explanation of Paramters
CP (C*8) The name of an internal variable
IPARA (I,R,L) The value of an internal variable

Below is a list of names that can be used to specify CP
'NDAY' (I)  Specifies the interval for plotting tick marks and labels of dates when using UCXADY/UCYADY. If 'NDAY' is undefined, then an appropriate value is selected from  0, 1, 2, 5, 10, or 15. (When 0, only the axis is plotted, and no ticks or labels are drawn.) When explicitly specified, the specified value is used. (The initial value is undefined.) This value is specified by the function 'NUCDAY'.
'NCHAR' (I)   Specifies the number of letters in the month for the label when using UCXAMN/UCYAMN . If  'NCHAR' is undefined, then an appropriate value is selected from 0, 1, 2, 3, or 9. (When 0, only the axis is plotted, and no ticks or months are drawn) When explicitly specified, the specified value is used. (The initial value is undefined.) This value is specified by the function 'NUCCHR'.
'LOWER' (L) Specifies whether to write the letters after the second letter in lower case for the name of the month written by UCXADY/UCYADY. In lower case when .TRUE.; in upper case when .FALSE.. (The initial value is .FALSE..)
'IUNDEF' (I) The internal variable indicating that the value is undefined. (The initial value is -999.)

The following subroutines are available for handling the internal variables.
UCPQNP(NCP) Counts the total number of internal variables (NCP).
UCPQID(CP,IDX) Determines the position (IDX) of the internal variable CP.
UCPQCP(IDX,CP) Inquires the name (CP) of the internal variable at position IDX.
UCPQVL(IDX,IPARA) Inquires the value (IPARA) of the internal variable at position IDX.
UCPSVL(IDX,IPARA) Changes the value (IPARA) of the internal variable at position IDX
UCpGET calls the above UCPQID to determine the position of an internal variable, and inquires its value using UCPQVL. UCpSET calls UCPQID to determine the position of an internal variable and changes its value using UCPSVL. Therefore, when the specified internal variable is not found, an error message is printed by UCPQID.
Specify an appropriate type of constant or variable for IPARA, according to the type of the internal variable.