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Seminars held by GFD Dennou Club

The seminars or workshop held by GFD Dennou Club's member.

Workshop on development of tools for analysis and visualization

This workshop is currently irregularly held to discuss about GFD Dennou Club davis project which means development of tools for analysis and visualization.

Workshop on numerical model and computation for the earth and planetary sciences

This workshop is irregularly held to discuss about GFD Dennou Club dcmodel project which means development of numerical models for the earth and planetary sciences.

Workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences (FDEPS)

This workshop is held on a once-a-year basis to discuss various aspects of fluid dynamics in the fields of earth and planetary sciences.

The aim is to promote fluid dynamics to present a function as one of the fundamental languages to describe and understand the geophysical phenomena.

Intensive discussion between the researchers in the fields of mathematics, fluid dynamics, computer sciences, and earth and/or planetary sciences is greatly encouraged.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics seminar (GFD seminar)

This seminar is held on a twice-a-year basis (spring and summer) to discuss about each problem relevant to geophysical fluid dynamics over many hours. Our Motto is "the pursuit of a self-satisfied understanding by each person (audience)".

We start to archive the document and movie of the seminar since 1991.

The Universal Seminar

This seminar is held on a once-a-year basis to discuss all phenomena relevant to earth science from different fields thoroughly.

We start to archive the document and movie of the seminar since March, 2001.

WTK: Wakusei Taiki Kenkyukai

This seminar is held on a twice-a-year basis (spring and autumn) to discuss about problems relevant to planetary atmospheric science over many hours. We start to archive the data from the spring of 2006.

Regular session of Annual meeting of the Japan Geoscience Union

The sessions proposed at the society held in May or June every year

dcmodel Development Group / GFD Dennou Staff dcstaff@gfd-dennou.org
Last Updated: 2008/03/14, Since: 1999/09/09