In: ../src/dynamics/dynamicshevi.f90

This is not a module but a repository of NAMELIST group names declared in all Fortran 90/95 files


Public Instance methods

Dynamics_nml( AlphaSound, AlphaNDiff, NDiffRatio, beta )
AlphaSound = 5.0d-2 :real(DP)
: 音波減衰項の係数 (気象庁数値予報課報告・別冊49 より)
AlphaNDiff = 1.0d-3 :real(DP)
: 4次の数値拡散の係数. CReSS マニュアルより
NDiffRatio = 1.0d0 :real(DP)
: 速度に対する粘性を上げる場合は数字を 1 以上にする.
beta = 1.0d0 :real(DP), save
: クランクニコルソン法なら 0.5 完全陰解法なら 1

ファイルオープン. 情報取得.

This namelist group name is input/output in DynamicsHEVI#Dynamics_Init

arare4fileio_nml( Arare4Prefix )
Arare4Prefix = "arare4_" :character(STRING), save

This namelist group name is input/output in Arare4fileio#Arare4fileio_Init

axesset_nml( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax )


This namelist group name is input/output in axesset#axesset_init

cloudphys_k1969_nml( Planet, FactorJ, AutoConvTime, QMixCr, FlagDExnerDtCloud, FlagDExnerDtFall )
Planet = "" :character(STRING)
FactorJ = 1.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 雲物理過程のパラメータ 木星では 3.0d0 地球では 1.0d0 とする
AutoConvTime = 1.0d3 :real(DP), save
: 併合成長の時定数 [sec]
QMixCr = 1.0d-3 :real(DP), save
: 併合成長を生じる臨界混合比 [kg/kg]
FlagDExnerDtFall = .true. :logical, save

This namelist group name is input/output in cloudphys_k1969#Cloudphys_K1969_Init

cloudphys_marscond_nml( DensIce, NumAerosol, RadiAerosol, Kd, SatRatioCr, SatRtWetAdia, CDensCr )
DensIce = 1.565d3 :real(DP), save
: 固相の密度 [kg/m^3]
NumAerosol = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: エアロゾルの数密度 [1/kg]
RadiAerosol = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: エアロゾルの数密度 [1/kg]
Kd = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 大気の熱伝導係数 [W/K m]
SatRatioCr = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 臨界飽和比 []
SatRtWetAdia = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 湿潤断熱線の飽和比 []
CDensCr = 5.0d-5 :real(DP), save

This namelist group name is input/output in Cloudphys_MarsCond#cloudphys_marscond_init

composition_nml( SpcWetSymbol, SpcWetMolFr )
SpcWetSymbol(10) :character(STRING)
: 湿潤成分の化学種名
SpcWetMolFr(10) :real(DP)
: 湿潤成分の化学種の存在度

This namelist group name is input/output in composition#composition_init

constants_nml( Grav, PressBasis, TempSfc, PressSfc, SpcDrySymbol, SpcDryMolFr, DayTime, CpDry, MolWtDry )
Grav = 9.8d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 重力 [m/s^2]
PressBasis = 965.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 温位の基準圧力 [Pa]
TempSfc = 300.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 地表面温度 [K]
PressSfc = 965.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 地表面圧力 [Pa]
SpcDrySymbol(5) :character(20)
: 乾燥成分の化学種名
SpcDryMolFr(5) :real(DP)
: 乾燥成分の化学種の存在度
DayTime = 86400.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 1 日の長さ [s]
CpDry = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 乾燥成分の定圧比熱 [J/K kg]
MolWtDry = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 乾燥成分の分子量 [kg/mol]

This namelist group name is input/output in constants#constants_Init

damping_nml( Time, DepthH, DepthV )
Time :real(DP)
DepthH :real(DP)
: スポンジ層の厚さ(水平方向)
DepthV :real(DP)
: スポンジ層の厚さ(鉛直方向)

This namelist group name is input/output in Damping#Damping_Init

deepconv_main_nml( FlagTurbMethod, FlagRadMethod, FlagCloudMethod, FlagSurfaceMethod )
FlagTurbMethod = "" :character(STRING)
FlagRadMethod = "" :character(STRING)
FlagCloudMethod = "" :character(STRING)
FlagSurfaceMethod = "" :character(STRING)

デフォルト値の設定 Default values settings

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare.f90#deepconv_arare

deepconv_main_nml( FlagTurbMethod, FlagRadMethod, FlagCloudMethod, FlagSurfaceMethod )
FlagTurbMethod = "" :character(STRING)
FlagRadMethod = "" :character(STRING)
FlagCloudMethod = "" :character(STRING)
FlagSurfaceMethod = "" :character(STRING)

デフォルト値の設定 Default values settings

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare.f90#deepconv_main

fileset_nml( FileTitle, FileSource, FileInstitution )
FileTitle = ‘cloud moist convection experiment‘ :character(STRING), save, public
: 実験名. Title of experiment
FileSource = ‘deepconv/arare5 (’ :character(STRING), save, public
: データファイル作成プログラム名. Source of data file
FileInstitution = ‘GFD Dennou Club (’ :character(STRING), save, public
: データファイル作成者/グループ. Institution or person that changes data files for the last time


This namelist group name is input/output in fileset#fileset_init

gridset_nml( NX, NY, NZ, NCMAX, Xmg, Ymg, Zmg )
NX = 10 :integer, public, save
: x 方向格子点数
NY = 10 :integer, public, save
: y 方向格子点数
NZ = 10 :integer, public, save
: z 方向格子点数
NCMAX = 3 :integer, public, save
: 組成配列要素数
Xmg = 4 :integer, public, save
: x 方向糊代格子点数
Ymg = 4 :integer, public, save
: y 方向糊代格子点数
Zmg = 4 :integer, public, save
: z 方向糊代格子点数

This namelist group name is input/output in gridset#gridset_init

initialdata_basic_nml( Humidity, TempTr, DHight )

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#Initialdata_init

initialdata_basic_nml( Humidity, TempTr, DHight )
Humidity = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 相対湿度 Gauss 用
TempTr = 100.0d0 :real(DP)
: 対流圏界面の温度 [k]

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#ArareInitData

initialdata_disturb_gauss_nml( PTempMax, ExnerMax, QMixMax, Xc, Xr, Yc, Yr, Zc, Zr )

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#Initialdata_init

initialdata_disturb_gauss_nml( PTempMax, ExnerMax, QMixMax, Xc, Xr, Yc, Yr, Zc, Zr )
PTempMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 最大値
ExnerMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 最大値
QMixMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 最大値
Xc = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 擾乱の中心位置(X方向)
Xr = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 擾乱の半径(X方向)
Yc = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 擾乱の中心位置(Y方向)
Yr = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 擾乱の半径(Y方向)
Zc = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 擾乱の中心位置(鉛直方向)
Zr = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 擾乱の半径(鉛直方向) Therma-Random 用

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#ArareInitData

initialdata_disturb_moist_nml( Humidity )

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#Initialdata_init

initialdata_disturb_moist_nml( Humidity )
Humidity = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 相対湿度 Gauss 用

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#ArareInitData

initialdata_disturb_random_nml( PTempMax, ExnerMax, QMixMax, Zpos )

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#Initialdata_init

initialdata_disturb_random_nml( PTempMax, ExnerMax, QMixMax, Zpos )
PTempMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 最大値
ExnerMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 最大値
QMixMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 最大値
Zpos = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 擾乱の Z 座標 [m] Rectangle 用

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#ArareInitData

initialdata_disturb_rectangle_nml( QMixMax, PTempMax, XposMin, YposMin, ZposMin, XposMax, YposMax, ZposMax )
   NAMELIST /initialdata_disturb_dryreg_nml/ &
     & XposMin, YposMin, ZposMin, XposMax, YposMax, ZposMax

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#Initialdata_init

initialdata_disturb_rectangle_nml( QMixMax, PTempMax, XposMin, YposMin, ZposMin, XposMax, YposMax, ZposMax )
QMixMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 最大値
PTempMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 最大値
XposMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 乾燥域の X 座標 [m]
YposMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 乾燥域の Y 座標 [m]
ZposMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 乾燥域の Z 座標 [m]
XposMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 乾燥域の X 座標 [m]
YposMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 乾燥域の Y 座標 [m]
ZposMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 乾燥域の Z 座標 [m]

NAMELIST /initialdata_disturb_dryreg_nml/ &

  & XposMin, YposMin, ZposMin, XposMax, YposMax, ZposMax

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#ArareInitData

initialdata_nml( FlagBasic, FlagDisturb, FlagDisturbPTemp, FlagDisturbExner, FlagDisturbQMix, FlagDisturbWind )
FlagBasic = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturb = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturbPTemp = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturbExner = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturbQMix = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturbWind = "" :character(STRING)

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#ArareInitData

initialdata_nml( FlagBasic, FlagDisturb, FlagDisturbPTemp, FlagDisturbExner, FlagDisturbQMix, FlagDisturbWind )
FlagBasic = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturb = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturbPTemp = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturbExner = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturbQMix = "" :character(STRING)
FlagDisturbWind = "" :character(STRING)

This namelist group name is input/output in ../src/main/arare_init-data.f90#Initialdata_init

initialdata_takemi2007_nml( FlagEnv, FlagWind, VelXSfc )
FlagEnv = "" :character(STRING)
FlagWind = "" :character(STRING)
VelXSfc :real(DP), save
: 地表の速度


This namelist group name is input/output in initialdata_takemi2007#initialdata_takemi2007_init

radiation_heatbalance_nml( RadCoolRate, HeightHeatUp, HeightHeatDown, HeightCoolUp, HeightCoolDown, FlagDExnerDtRad )
RadCoolRate = 0.0d0 :real(DP),save
: 一様放射加熱率 [K/day]
HeightHeatUp = 0.0d0 :real(8)
: 放射強制を与える鉛直領域の上限
HeightHeatDown = 0.0d0 :real(8)
: 放射強制を与える鉛直領域の下限
HeightCoolUp = 0.0d0 :real(8)
: 放射強制を与える鉛直領域の上限
HeightCoolDown = 0.0d0 :real(8)
: 放射強制を与える鉛直領域の下限
FlagDExnerDtRad = .true. :logical, save

This namelist group name is input/output in Radiation_HeatBalance#Radiation_heatbalance_init

radiation_simple_nml( RadHeatRate, HeightUp, HeightDown, FlagDExnerDtRad )
RadHeatRate = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 一様放射加熱率 [K/day]
HeightUp = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 放射強制を与える鉛直領域の上限
HeightDown = 0.0d0 :real(DP)
: 放射強制を与える鉛直領域の下限
FlagDExnerDtRad = .true. :logical, save

This namelist group name is input/output in Radiation_Simple#Radiation_Simple_init

restartfileio_nml( InputFile, OutputFile )
InputFile = "" :character(STRING), save, private
OutputFile = "" :character(STRING), save, private

This namelist group name is input/output in ReStartFileIO#ReStartFileio_Init

surface_flux_bulk_nml( FlagConstBulkCoef, FlagUseOfBulkCoefInNeutralCond, ConstBulkCoef, VelMinForRi, VelMinForVel, VelMinForTemp, VelMinForQVap, VelMaxForVel, VelMaxForTemp, VelMaxForQVap, VelBulkCoefMin, TempBulkCoefMin, QVapBulkCoefMin, VelBulkCoefMax, TempBulkCoefMax, QVapBulkCoefMax, FlagFixFricTimeConstAtLB, FricTimeConstAtLB, LowLatFricAtLB, FlagFixHeatFluxAtLB, HeatFluxAtLB, FlagFixMassFluxAtLB, MassFluxAtLB, Vel0 )
FlagConstBulkCoef :logical, save
: Flag for using constant bulk coefficient
FlagUseOfBulkCoefInNeutralCond :logical, save
: Flag for using bulk coefficient in neutral condition
ConstBulkCoef :real(DP), save
: バルク係数一定値. Steady value of bulk coefficient
VelMinForRi :real(DP), save
: $ R_i $ 数用風最小値. Minimum value of velocity for $ R_i $ number
VelMinForVel :real(DP), save
: 運動量用風最小値. Minimum value of velocity for momentum
VelMinForTemp :real(DP), save
: 熱用風最小値. Minimum value of velocity for thermal
VelMinForQVap :real(DP), save
: 水蒸気用風最小値. Minimum value of velocity for vapor
VelMaxForVel :real(DP), save
: 運動量用風最大値. Maximum value of velocity for momentum
VelMaxForTemp :real(DP), save
: 熱用風最大値. Maximum value of velocity for thermal
VelMaxForQVap :real(DP), save
: 水蒸気用風最大値. Maximum value of velocity for vapor
VelBulkCoefMin :real(DP), save
: $ u $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ u $ bulk coefficient
TempBulkCoefMin :real(DP), save
: $ T $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ T $ bulk coefficient
QVapBulkCoefMin :real(DP), save
: $ q $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ q $ bulk coefficient
VelBulkCoefMax :real(DP), save
: $ u $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ u $ bulk coefficient
TempBulkCoefMax :real(DP), save
: $ T $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ T $ bulk coefficient
QVapBulkCoefMax :real(DP), save
: $ q $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ q $ bulk coefficient
FlagFixFricTimeConstAtLB :logical , save
FricTimeConstAtLB :real(DP), save
: 下部境界摩擦の時定数 (s). Time constant of surface friction (s).
LowLatFricAtLB :real(DP), save
: 下部境界摩擦が働く最低緯度 (degree). Lowest latitude where the friction is applied (degree)
FlagFixHeatFluxAtLB :logical , save
HeatFluxAtLB :real(DP), save
: 下部境界での熱フラックス (W m-2). Heat flux at the lower boundary (W m-2).
FlagFixMassFluxAtLB :logical , save
MassFluxAtLB :real(DP), save
: 下部境界での質量フラックス (W m-2). 実際にはゼロに固定するために使う程度にしか使えないだろう. Mass flux at the lower boundary (kg m-2 s-1).
Vel0 = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 下層での水平速度嵩上げ値

デフォルト値については初期化手続 "surface_flux_bulk#SurfaceFluxInit" のソースコードを参照のこと.

Refer to source codes in the initialization procedure "surface_flux_bulk#SurfaceFluxInit" for the default values.

This namelist group name is input/output in surfaceflux_bulk_core#SurfaceFluxInit

surfaceflux_bulk_nml( FlagConstBulkCoef, FlagUseOfBulkCoefInNeutralCond, ConstBulkCoef, FlagDExnerDtSurf, VelMinForRi, SfcRoughLength, Vel0, VelBulkCoefMin, TempBulkCoefMin, QmixBulkCoefMin, VelBulkCoefMax, TempBulkCoefMax, QmixBulkCoefMax )
FlagConstBulkCoef :logical, save
: Flag for using constant bulk coefficient
FlagUseOfBulkCoefInNeutralCond :logical, save
: Flag for using bulk coefficient in neutral condition
ConstBulkCoef :real(DP), save
: バルク係数一定値. Steady value of bulk coefficient
FlagDExnerDtSurf = .true. :logical, save
: Flag for diabatice heating term in pressure equation
VelMinForRi = 1.0d-8 :real(DP), save
: リチャード数計算用速度下限値 Lower limit of velocity for Ri
SfcRoughLength = 1.0d-2 :real(DP), save
: 祖度長さ Roughness length
Vel0 = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 下層での水平速度嵩上げ値
VelBulkCoefMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: $ u $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ u $ bulk coefficient
TempBulkCoefMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: $ T $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ T $ bulk coefficient
QmixBulkCoefMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: $ q $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ q $ bulk coefficient
VelBulkCoefMax = 1.0d2 :real(DP), save
: $ u $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ u $ bulk coefficient
TempBulkCoefMax = 1.0d2 :real(DP), save
: $ T $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ T $ bulk coefficient
QmixBulkCoefMax = 1.0d2 :real(DP), save
: $ q $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ q $ bulk coefficient

This namelist group name is input/output in Surfaceflux_bulk#Surfaceflux_Bulk_init

surfaceflux_bulk_nml( FlagConstBulkCoef, FlagUseOfBulkCoefInNeutralCond, ConstBulkCoef, VelMinForRi, SfcRoughLength, Vel0, VelBulkCoefMin, TempBulkCoefMin, QmixBulkCoefMin, VelBulkCoefMax, TempBulkCoefMax, QmixBulkCoefMax )
FlagConstBulkCoef :logical, save
: Flag for using constant bulk coefficient
FlagUseOfBulkCoefInNeutralCond :logical, save
: Flag for using bulk coefficient in neutral condition
ConstBulkCoef :real(DP), save
: バルク係数一定値. Steady value of bulk coefficient
VelMinForRi = 1.0d-8 :real(DP), save
: リチャード数計算用速度下限値 Lower limit of velocity for Ri
SfcRoughLength = 1.0d-2 :real(DP), save
: 祖度長さ Roughness length
Vel0 = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 下層での水平速度嵩上げ値
VelBulkCoefMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: $ u $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ u $ bulk coefficient
TempBulkCoefMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: $ T $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ T $ bulk coefficient
QmixBulkCoefMin = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: $ q $ バルク係数最小値. Minimum value of $ q $ bulk coefficient
VelBulkCoefMax = 1.0d2 :real(DP), save
: $ u $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ u $ bulk coefficient
TempBulkCoefMax = 1.0d2 :real(DP), save
: $ T $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ T $ bulk coefficient
QmixBulkCoefMax = 1.0d2 :real(DP), save
: $ q $ バルク係数最大値. Maximum value of $ q $ bulk coefficient

This namelist group name is input/output in Surfaceflux_bulk_l1979#Surfaceflux_Bulk_init

surfaceflux_const_nml( SfcXMomFluxBtm, SfcXMomFluxTop, SfcYMomFluxBtm, SfcYMomFluxTop, SfcHeatFluxBtm, SfcHeatFluxTop, SfcQmixFluxBtm, SfcQmixFluxTop, FlagDExnerDtSurf )
SfcXMomFluxBtm = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
SfcXMomFluxTop = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
SfcYMomFluxBtm = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
SfcYMomFluxTop = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
SfcHeatFluxBtm = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
SfcHeatFluxTop = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
SfcQmixFluxBtm = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
SfcQmixFluxTop = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
FlagDExnerDtSurf = .true. :logical, save

This namelist group name is input/output in Surfaceflux_const#Surfaceflux_const_init

surfaceflux_diff_nml( Kappa, FlagDExnerDtSurf )
Kappa = 800.0d0 :real(DP), save
FlagDExnerDtSurf = .true. :logical, save

This namelist group name is input/output in Surfaceflux_diff#Surfaceflux_Diff_init

timeset_nml( DelTimeLong, DelTimeShort, IntegPeriod, RestartTime, DelTimeOutput )
DelTimeLong = 2.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 長いタイムステップ
DelTimeShort = 2.0d-1 :real(DP), save, public
: 短いタイムステップ
IntegPeriod = 3600.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 積分時間
RestartTime = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 計算開始時刻
DelTimeOutput = 2.0d0 :real(DP), save, public
: 出力タイムステップ

This namelist group name is input/output in timeset#timeset_init

turbulence_kw1978_nml( Cm, KmMax, FlagConstTurbCoef, ConstKm, ConstKh, FlagDExnerDtTurb )
Cm = 2.0d-1 :real(DP), save
: 乱流エネルギー診断式の係数
KmMax = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 最大値
FlagConstTurbCoef :logical, save
ConstKm = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 定数値
ConstKh = 0.0d0 :real(DP), save
: 定数値
FlagDExnerDtTurb =.true. :logical, save

This namelist group name is input/output in Turbulence_kw1978#turbulence_kw1978_init