IGMBaseLib 1.0
IcGrid2D_FVM_Builder::construct_icosahedral_grid | |
Derivate_Field_IcGrid2D_Manager::Derivate_Field_IcGrid2D | The derived type to manage the information necessary for evaluating the horizontal differential operators(divegence, gradient, curl) acting on the horizontally distirbuted physical field |
diffOptr_fnc | |
Field_IcGrid2D_Manager::Field_IcGrid2D | The derived type which manages the data of a physical field on a icosahedral grid distributed horizontally |
Field_IcGrid2D_Manager::Field_IcGrid2D_Init | |
IcGrid2D_FVM_Manager::IcGrid2D_FVM | Derived type which manages the coordinate datas for grid points and their control volume in icosahedral gird |
IcGrid_ncReader_mod::IcGrid_ncReader | IcGrid_ncWriter_mod モジュールを用いて書き出された netCDF 形式の正二十面体格子上の物理量データを読み込むための 情報を管理するための構造型 |
IcGrid_ncReader_mod::IcGrid_ncReader_Init | |
IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::IcGrid_ncWriter | Derived type which manages the information nesessary for writing the physical field data on icosahedral grid to a NetCDF file |
IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::IcGrid_ncWriter_Init | |
IcGrid_ncStream_helper::Mesh2_ncInfo | The derived type to manage the information about node, face, edge and face link in Mesh2 |
IcGrid_ncStream_helper::Mesh_coord_element | The derived type to manage the coordinate information about Mesh |
IcGrid_ncStream_helper::Mesh_dim_element | The derived type to manage the dimension information about Mesh |
IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::ncdef_FieldData | |
Physical_Field_Manager::Physical_Field | This type is a Base type for some objects to manage the physical field data |
IcGrid_ncReader_mod::read_FieldData | |
IcGrid_ncWriter_mod::write_FieldData |