
Path: dc_utils/dccaldateparsestr.f90
Last Update: Fri Sep 24 16:07:31 +0900 2010


Parse strings of date

Authors:Yasuhiro MORIKAWA
Version:$Id: dccaldateparsestr.f90,v 1.3 2010-09-24 07:07:31 morikawa Exp $
Tag Name:$Name: gtool5-20100924 $
Copyright:Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2009-. All rights reserved.

このファイルに記載される手続き群は dc_calendar モジュールから提供されます.

Procedures described in this file are provided from "dc_calendar" module.

Required files


Included Modules

dc_regex dc_message dc_string dc_trace dc_error dc_types

Public Instance methods

Subroutine :
date_str :character(*), intent(in)
: 日時情報を表す文字列. 表示形式については gtool4 netCDF 規約 5.5 日時形式を参照のこと.

Strings that express date and time. See gtool4 netCDF Convention 5.5 Expression of date and time for details.

year :integer, intent(out)
: 年. Year.
month :integer, intent(out)
: 月. Month.
day :integer, intent(out)
: 日. Day.
hour :integer, intent(out)
: 時. Hour.
min :integer, intent(out)
: 分. Minute.
sec :real(DP), intent(out)
: 秒. Second.
zone :character(*), intent(out)
: UTC からの時差. Time-zone.
err :logical, intent(out), optional
: 例外処理用フラグ. デフォルトでは, この手続き内でエラーが 生じた場合, プログラムは強制終了します. 引数 err が与えられる場合, プログラムは強制終了せず, 代わりに err に .true. が代入されます.

Exception handling flag. By default, when error occur in this procedure, the program aborts. If this err argument is given, .true. is substituted to err and the program does not abort.

date_str で与えられる日時形式 (gtool4 netCDF 規約「5.5 日時形式」に準拠) を解釈し, yearzone に返します.

Parse strings of date (conformed to gtool4 netCDF Convention "5.5 Expression of date and time") specified as date_str, and return yearzone.


subroutine DCCalDateParseStr1( date_str, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, zone, err )
  ! *date_str* で与えられる日時形式 
  ! (gtool4 netCDF 規約「5.5 日時形式」に準拠) を解釈し, 
  ! *year* ~ *zone* に返します. 
  ! Parse strings of date (conformed to gtool4 netCDF Convention
  ! "5.5 Expression of date and time") specified as *date_str*, 
  ! and return *year* -- *zone*. 

  use dc_regex, only: match
  use dc_message, only: MessageNotify
  use dc_string, only: LChar, StoI, StoD
  use dc_trace, only: BeginSub, EndSub, DbgMessage
  use dc_error, only: StoreError, DC_NOERR, DC_EALREADYINIT, DC_EBADDATE
  use dc_types, only: STRING, DP, TOKEN
  implicit none
  character(*), intent(in):: date_str
                              ! 日時情報を表す文字列. 
                              ! 表示形式については gtool4 netCDF 規約
                              ! 5.5 日時形式を参照のこと. 
                              ! Strings that express date and time. 
                              ! See gtool4 netCDF Convention 
                              ! 5.5 Expression of date and time for details. 
  integer, intent(out):: year  ! 年. Year.
  integer, intent(out):: month ! 月. Month.
  integer, intent(out):: day   ! 日. Day.
  integer, intent(out):: hour  ! 時. Hour.
  integer, intent(out):: min   ! 分. Minute.
  real(DP), intent(out):: sec  ! 秒. Second.
  character(*), intent(out):: zone
                              ! UTC からの時差. Time-zone. 
  logical, intent(out), optional:: err
                              ! 例外処理用フラグ. 
                              ! デフォルトでは, この手続き内でエラーが
                              ! 生じた場合, プログラムは強制終了します. 
                              ! 引数 *err* が与えられる場合, 
                              ! プログラムは強制終了せず, 代わりに
                              ! *err* に .true. が代入されます. 
                              ! Exception handling flag. 
                              ! By default, when error occur in 
                              ! this procedure, the program aborts. 
                              ! If this *err* argument is given, 
                              ! .true. is substituted to *err* and 
                              ! the program does not abort. 

  ! 作業変数
  ! Work variables
  integer:: start, length
  character(STRING):: str1, str2
  character(TOKEN):: zone_pm, zone_hrs, zone_min
  integer:: stat
  character(STRING):: cause_c
  character(*), parameter:: subname = 'DCCalDateParseStr1'
  call BeginSub( subname )
  stat = DC_NOERR
  cause_c = ''

  ! 与えられた文字列が日時表現として有効かどうかをチェック
  ! Check validation of strings as an expression of date
  call match( '[-]*#d+-#d+-#d+[#w#s]+#d+:#d+:#d+', date_str, start, length ) ! (out)

  if ( length > 0 ) then
    str1 = date_str(start:)
    stat = DC_EBADDATE
    call MessageNotify('W', subname, 'date_str=<%c> is invalid expression as date.', c1 = trim(date_str) )
    goto 999
  end if

  ! 年の解釈
  ! Parse year
  call match( '^[-]*#d+-', str1, start, length ) ! (out)
  str2 = str1(start:start+length-2)
  str1 = str1(start+length:)
  year = StoI(str2)

  ! 月の解釈
  ! Parse month
  call match( '^#d+-', str1, start, length ) ! (out)
  str2 = str1(start:start+length-2)
  str1 = str1(start+length:)
  month = StoI(str2)

  ! 日の解釈
  ! Parse day
  call match( '^#d+[#w#s]', str1, start, length ) ! (out)
  str2 = str1(start:start+length-2)
  str1 = str1(start+length:)
  day = StoI(str2)

  ! 時の解釈
  ! Parse hour
  call match( '#d+:', str1, start, length ) ! (out)
  str2 = str1(start:start+length-2)
  str1 = str1(start+length:)
  hour = StoI(str2)

  ! 分の解釈
  ! Parse minute
  call match( '#d+:', str1, start, length ) ! (out)
  str2 = str1(start:start+length-2)
  str1 = str1(start+length:)
  min = StoI(str2)

  ! 秒の解釈
  ! Parse min
  call match( '#d+', str1, start, length ) ! (out)
  str2 = str1(start:start+length-1)
  str1 = str1(start+length:)

  call match( '^#.#d+', str1, start, length ) ! (out)

  if ( length > 0 ) then
    str2 = trim(str2) // str1(start:start+length-1)
    str1 = str1(start+length:)
  end if
  sec = StoD(str2)

  ! UTC からの時差の解釈
  ! Parse time-zone difference
  call match( '[#+-]#d+:#d+', str1, start, length ) ! (out)
  if ( length > 0 ) then
    zone_pm = str1(start:start)
    str1 = str1(start+1:start+length-1)

    call match( '^#d+:', str1, start, length ) ! (out)
    zone_hrs = str1(start:start+length-2)
    zone_min = str1(start+length:)
    zone = trim(zone_pm) // trim(zone_hrs) // ':' // trim(zone_min)
    zone = ''
  end if

  call DbgMessage('year=<%d> month=<%d> day=<%d> hour=<%d> min=<%d> sec=<%f>' // ' zone=<%c>', i = (/year, month, day, hour, min/), d = (/sec/), c1 = trim(zone) )

  ! 終了処理, 例外処理
  ! Termination and Exception handling
999 continue
  call StoreError( stat, subname, err, cause_c )
  call EndSub( subname )
end subroutine DCCalDateParseStr1