IGModel-SW 1.0

src/field_manager.f90 File Reference

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module  field_manager

This module provides the data of some physical fields at each time level, such as velocity and height field.


subroutine, public field_manager::init_field_manager (icgrid)
 Initialize the module field_manager.
subroutine, public field_manager::update_timelevel ()
 Updates the variables which manage the time level. This subroutine must be called in the loop for the temporal integration.
integer field_manager::get_next_TLid (target_TL, TimeLevelNums)
 update_timelevel においてタイムレベルが更新される際に, 新しいタイムレベルでの各タイムレベルの配列インデックスの値を計算し, 取得する.


integer, public field_manager::TL_Nplus1 = 1
integer, public field_manager::TL_N = 2
integer, parameter, public field_manager::TL_NUMS = 2
integer, public field_manager::TL_DDT_N = 1
integer, public field_manager::TL_DDT_Nminus1 = 2
integer, public field_manager::TL_DDT_Nminus2 = 3
integer, parameter, public field_manager::TL_DDT_NUMS = 3
type(Field_IcGrid2D), save, public field_manager::xy_Coli
 The variable of derived type Field_IcGrid2D to manage the field data of planetary vorticity.
type(Field_IcGrid2D), save, public field_manager::xy_Htopo
 The variable of derived type Field_IcGrid2D to manage the field data of the height of underlying mountain.
type(Field_IcGrid2D), save, public field_manager::xy_Vel_TL_list
 The Field_IcGrid2D array object managing the field data of velocity at each time level(N, N+1).
type(Field_IcGrid2D), save, public field_manager::xy_Height_TL_list
 The array variable of derived type Field_IcGrid2D to manage the surface height field data of height at each time level(N, N+1).
type(Field_IcGrid2D), save, public field_manager::DVelDt_TL_list
 The array variable of derived type Field_IcGrid2D to manage the time derivative of the velocity field data at each time level(N, N-1, N-2).
type(Field_IcGrid2D), save, public field_manager::DHeightDt_TL_list
 The array variable of derived type Field_IcGrid2D to manage the time derivative of the surface height field data at each time level(N, N-1, N-2).
 The variable of derived type Derivate_Field_IcGrid2D to manage the information nesessary to provide some differential operation acting on the physical field on icosahedral grid.
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